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The Future of Power & Control in the Deep Ocean

Electricity is the magic power behind the vast spectrum of our ocean projects. Jules Verne understood this more than 150 years ago when he wrote about the Nautilus, a vessel that circled the globe underwater using a new form of energy he simply called “electricity.”

The Future of Power & Control in the Deep Ocean

The Future of Situational Awareness

Worldwide, there is ongoing pressure placed on the safe extraction and operation in oil and gas exploration. The U.S. and other world governments have recently mandated “situational awareness” to the daily operations of large and small operators, and the new checks and balances help verify the safe operation of each asset.

The Future of Situational Awareness

The Future of Scalable Digital Hydrophone Arrays

If you have ever tried to locate a sound in a pitch-dark room, you’re already familiar with acoustic arrays. Our ears are a small organic array on our heads, our right and left ear work together to help us localize sounds and sharpen noise in the soundscape.

The Future of Scalable Digital Hydrophone Arrays

The Future of Ocean Electroacoustics

Underwater. The vastness of our oceans and our understanding of their fathoms are vastly unfathomable! To date, only 20% of our oceans have been thoroughly explored. There are many things that contribute to this lack of exploration, but technological capability is not one of them.

The Future of Ocean Electroacoustics

The Future of Buoyancy Materials for Resident ROVs

Empty space is often viewed as nothingness or a space that is waiting to be filled—but scientists and engineers know that space is intrinsically valuable. Voids can strengthen structures by design, without adding weight.

The Future of Buoyancy Materials for Resident ROVs

The Future of 4K Subsea Imaging is a Vision of Collaboration

In 2018, scientists and engineers at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) began researching upgrades to their high-definition camera systems on the 1,800-meter ROV Ventana and the 4,000-meter ROV Doc Ricketts.

The Future of 4K Subsea Imaging is a Vision of Collaboration

The Future of the Observation ROV Market

The observation class remotely operated vehicle (ROV) market is forecast to grow by almost 10% annually between 2019 and 2026, and emerging market trends are providing exciting development opportunities.

The Future of the Observation ROV Market

Engineering the Future

Okeanus was founded in 2013 with a clear goal: to equip the ocean professional with the tools needed to complete projects on time and on budget, no matter the depth or location.

Engineering the Future

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Ocean News & Technology
is a publication of TSC Strategic

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