The system, which is likely to be trialed later in 2024, automatically determines the optimum deployment depth of an active sonar projector and receiving array, depending on its underwater environment. It intends to significantly enhance the Royal Navy’s detection and tracking capability.
Building its proven expertise in underwater environmental modelling, sonar and acoustics, SEA will not only demonstrate this software application but will also actively contribute additional concepts to the ASW Spearhead program, working with prime contractor Thales Underwater Systems. Such capabilities are designed to provide the Royal Navy with innovative ways to exploit both existing and enhanced systems in underwater warfare scenarios.
Ian Cox, Head of Research & Simulation at SEA, said: “SEA is proud to be demonstrating its leading capability for this important project with Thales, which is a continuation of our work with the Royal Navy based around trusted advice and consultancy, and the provision of leading technology. It shows SEA’s dedication to supporting the enhancement of the Royal Navy’s ASW capability. It also underscores our commitment to advancing research and development studies within underwater detection and tracking into operational capabilities for naval forces. We are proud to be pushing the boundaries of technological innovation within naval defense.”